Creative Writing

Worgen Stories: The Assassin Part 1

It has been days since I am was able to write again. My health is getting worse. I don’t know how much time I have left among the living. There is still so much I must write down, before the void claims me.

In my days as a thief, I have seen many adventures. I stole many a thing and returned quite a few things to their original owners. I became very good at what I did. I would eventually get noticed by a certain group of people. The Thief’s Guild. They were the sorts that would go out to look for capable young men and women to hire. The talents that were needed were always the same sort, the ability to move silently through the night and take what was necessary for the job or the contract.

I was recruited by The Guild and soon become the primary go to, to acquire the most unattainable goods. Things well guarded in places hard to reach. I could become invisible to the guards, my agility was very high. That was the time when I first started feeling invincible. Nothing could stop me or threaten my existence. There wasn’t a contract that I could not fulfill. My payouts were high, long gone were the days when I would steal for food. I now stole for pure profit. I would select the contracts with the highest payouts and always complete them.

Needless to say there were tensions among the guild mates. Not everyone was quite as excited about my success as I was. Being as young as I was I did not right a way understand what was going on. Some of the contracts that I would sign up for, from the onset looked like easy marks, but as I would get to completing the contracts they would start becoming increasingly hard to complete. I just wrote it off as lack of experience or preparation. However as time went on I started noticing a pattern.

Whenever a contract was about stealing high level political document, things would become very difficult for me. I started noticing that the information on those contracts would become outdated very quickly, almost the moment I signed it. The locks would be changed out, the guards would be much more alert. The item needed to complete the contract would get moved from its original place somewhere much more difficult to reach. It was very difficult to complete jobs that you were flying blind on. It was only the political documents contracts that were like this.

So I started paying closer attention to what was going on around me. Who was listening, who might be interested in me failing. It must have been very frustrating to some that no matter how difficult the job got, I was able to adapt. So it got more and more difficult to complete those contracts. 

I started asking around, who else was bidding on the contracts in the guild. The word was that if anyone saw my name on the bid, they would back out, knowing that it would be very hard to compete with my record of contract completion. However before joining the guild there was another thief that specialized in political document contracts, Olivia Zane. 

From what I could gather, she was a very good thief, but lacked my, what I came to call special abilities. I started noticing that her name would appear on every one of my bids for contracts, and she would try to underbid me, but the employer knew that if they wanted 100% guarantee on the contract completion they would rather pay the extra gold required.

It was then that I realized, she would study the contracts details as much as I would and plan a way to sabotage me. If my completion record dropped my employers would start to lose confidence in me. Thinking back now, that was not a bad plan.

Being an ignorant young man at the time, I thought I could reason with Olivia. I approached her and let her know that I am aware of her plot to ruin my record. She denied everything. We argued, after the first attempt at conversation I went about my way thinking of a different approach to get Olivia on my side. I wasn’t in the business of making enemies, particularly not in my guild. Which at the time I considered my family.

My master plan was to befriend Olivia and share my contracts with her. Little did I know that she would take that as a pity handout and come to hate me even more.

It was when I invited her to come along on one of my contracts, that I learned her true intentions.

…But, please forgive me, I grow tired. I will write more on our first contract together with Olivia after I have rested a bit.

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