
Final Fantasy 15 Part 2: Bad News Bears

So I have played FF15 for a couple hours now. I have seen it go from a happy bro time to a complete disaster, story wise.

My first post I had a couple of requests for the game.  A wish list of sorts. I wanted a good story. I got a good story. A great beginning to one, at least.

The game play as far as I can tell is very involved. There are many little quirks that you have to figure out as you go. But every time I find something new, it’s really exciting.

Every step you take in the game you can feel just how much time and care was put into the game. From every conversation you have to the animations that you witness as you move through the world. Everything oozes attention and care.

I don’t want to give away the story, but let’s just say so far I enjoy it. The whole aesthetic of bro time is very entertaining to me. The crew or the boyz I don’t know what to call them, but the bros have little conversations while you are running around saving the world. My favorite conversation so far is:

Promto: That thing is half this, and half that, and half something else. (not sure the exact comparison)

And Gladiolus response was: You realize that’s 3 halves….

I don’t know why but I couldn’t stop laughing.

There are other ones like that, where they just catch you off guard.

I just want to mention combat very briefly here. I love it so far. I don’t know if you can tell that from watching the stream. Partly because I am really bad at it. But I know that there is depth to it. I look forward to getting better at it.

Learning all the systems is difficult and I don’t know if I have learned them all yet. But it does show me there is depth and I look forward to learning it.

See you guys in the next part.


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