A for Azeroth

A is for Azeroth: The Conclusion

So we finally come to the conclusion of the A is for Azeroth series! When I started writing it, I thought it would be a maximum of five or six articles. But it ended up being more than twice as many. I mentioned in the beginning of the series as to why I started writing this, and it was so I could remember my journey through this game that took a good chunk of my time as a teen and as an adult. I wanted to write those experiences down so maybe one day I can share it with someone who cares. There ended up being a lot of memories that I had with the game and so the number of articles grew. But I am glad I am finally here.

Finishing this series up is awesome not only because it’s done and I can start working on something new, but it is also a testament to myself that I can stick with it and complete a writing assignment spanning multiple articles. This was very difficult for me as a blogger, I would take breaks and then not come back to writing for months and months. So I decided that my secondary goal for this series was to prove to myself I can do it, build good habits around it and see where it goes.

I had no idea that when I started this, I would be closing the series on the day that the game I am writing about is going to be rereleased as a legal Classic server done by Blizzard. I can’t help but think that me writing all of this affected the universe and nudged it in the right direction. And not all that weird noise people were making about wanting Vanilla WoW. It was all me! That statement feels right… I am going to stick to it.

As many of you are aware, WoW did not stop being a game after Wrath was released, there were many other expansions that came out. Some brought with them incredibly dramatic changes(Cataclysm), others not so much, but did take us to incredible new places. We met new heros, new races, new classes. We also met some of the old heros and saw their stories develop.

I did not play any of the expansions after Wrath with the same consistency. I played them all don’t get me wrong, but it would usually be as far as completing the story and then I would move on to another game. Nothing really captured me like the Vanilla WoW to Wrath storyline though, but I played them. 

I remember all the drama that people would cause with their dislike of the new expansions, I would always look at that and think… move on go play something else, it’s easy. So instead of becoming bitter, I would take my own advice and go. I played many other MMOs in between the expansions. Some were just gorgeous, but didn’t have enough substance for me to keep going. Others were too much for me. Something always brought me back to WoW, the feeling of home, feeling of comfort of the familiar places was always a huge draw for me. So when life would get out of control for me, I would go back to Dun Morogh, and sit awhile with my dwarf brothers around a campfire and watch the snowfall.

What’s amazing is that today we get to go back to original state of the game that I think most of us remember as the magic time. I can’t wait to see how much the game has changed over the years and what we players will miss about the retail version and which things we will think are still hard to do, but are awesome all the same. 

So what am I going to do next? I am hoping to keep writing, plenty of things to write about, hopefully I can find that consistency of at least one article a week and see where it goes from there. I am also hoping to find more ways to promote my blog to get readers to share these experiences with.

What do I want to write about specifically? Well the first order of business will be of course WoW Classic. I want to document my journey through that game world, but this time through the eyes of an adult and not someone that has played the game a long time ago and has forgotten all the frustrations of it.

I also want to finish up some of the game reviews I started while streaming my playthroughs(Final Fantasy 15). I will also be picking up Final Fantasy 8 remastered to playthrough on my stream. That was another game that I played very early on and it left an impression on me. In fact, that was probably the game that shaped me as a teen the most. And it didn’t work out for me all that great. But we can talk about that once we get into the game.

I am hoping to get into fiction writing as well at some point. I have started a couple drafts, you can find then on the site, so maybe I will start a series of articles with a storyline? I don’t know, we will see.

So to conclude this series, I would like to say thank you to the reader, for reading this. I hope you have enjoyed it and if not, well sorry… geez. I also want to thank Blizzard for creating a game that captured my imagination, and bringing it back, just in time for me to finish this series up.

Thank you to everyone who participated and helped in anyway! I will see you in the next one!

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