
Warbringers: Sylvanas

Here is the next short cinematic in the series:

With out playing through the second part of the War of Thorns, I heard that there was some confusion as to who burned Teldrassil. Some people theorized it was done by a third party, but in this short we learn the truth… HOW COULD YOU SLYVANAS! What did it ever do to you?

As an Alliance player, I love how they are setting her up for me to hate so so much. I am not sure how Horde players are dealing with this right, especially those that are heavy into RP.  Like the Taurens for example, Panderan, this has had to be a difficult thing to adjust to or motivate yourself to stay with that faction.

It will be very interesting where this leads.

I can’t say I am excited for the second part of the pre-patch, because the first one was so disappointing, but I can’t deny I am very excited for the expansion and seeing how the story develops.


P.S. so much story potential wasted… It could have been anyone and I mean anyone and it would have made this less predictable and much more interesting. Any twist would have been a good twist. For shame Blizzard… for shame.

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