
Hello World

Hi there, first post on this amazing and informative blog.

People often ask me why do you write Nick? And I say because no one else can do it as well as I can, said every Blogger ever.

In all  honesty though this post is to explain what this blog is going to be about.

My name is Nick and I am a streamer. I very particular type of streamer. A variety streamer. It doesn’t get more specific than that I think.

How was I able to settle on such a specific type of streaming? Simple I couldn’t decide which games to play. So I decided to play whichever games I felt like playing.

I am well aware that variety streamers usually don’t get very far with their viewership numbers. But I can’t stick to a game for very long. So I will play what I want if you like what you see great! If not, come back a little later I will probably be playing something else.

Any other questions, feel free to leave a comment.

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